Privacy Policy


  1. General provisions and scope of application.
  2. Composition and content of personal data.
  3. The purpose, limits, grounds and terms of personal data processing.
  4. Location of personal data.
  5. Terms of disclosure of information about personal data to third parties.
  6. Protection of personal data.
  7. Rights of the User (subject of personal data).
  8. The procedure for dealing with requests from subjects of personal data (Users).
  9. Deleting the User’s personal data.
  10. Amendments to the Policy.

1. General provisions and scope of application.

1.1. This Policy on the processing and protection of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) was developed by Yantos PE (EDRPOU code: 37681479, address: Ternopil, Tekstilna St., 24b, hereinafter referred to as the “Enterprise” and/or “Data Owner” ) in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, including, but not limited to, the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data” dated June 1, 2010 No. 2297-VI and establishes the procedure for receiving, collecting, accumulating, storing, processing, using, ensuring protection and disclosure of personal data (“Data” and/or “Personal Data”) through the website: and/or related services and tools.

1.2. By registering on the Site or authorizing and starting to use the Site, or when trying to place an order without prior registration, the User (Buyer) gives permission and unambiguous consent to the processing of his personal data under the conditions and in the order set forth below, and also confirms familiarization with this Policy, its acceptance and agreement with its content.

1.3. Yantoswire Online Platform in this Policy means the Site also used as “Online Store” and/or “Yantoswire Online Platform” and/or “Online Platform”.

1.4. The owner of the Users’ personal data is “Yantos” PE (IDRPOU code: 37681479, address: Ternopil, Tekstilna St., 24b).

1.5. In this Policy, all terms are used in the meaning defined in the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data” dated June 1, 2010 No. 2297-VI.

1.6. The Site may contain links to other websites (exclusively for informational purposes). If you link to other websites, these Terms will not apply to those websites. Therefore, the Company recommends that you read each site’s privacy and personal data policy before submitting any personally identifiable information.

1.7. This Policy is mandatory for the responsible person and employees of the online store who directly process and/or have access to personal data of users of the Yantoswire online platform in connection with the performance of their official duties.

2. Composition and content of personal data.

2.1. Data means any information directly or indirectly related to a specific User. This can be: first name, last name, patronymic (if available), phone number, e-mail address, date of birth, language of communication, address of place of residence/stay/delivery, information about the User’s actions while using the online store , IP address, data about devices used by the User (device type, browser type, device operating system), message history (information contained in correspondence between the User with the administration of the online store or with third-party sellers of the marketplace), feedback history or comments, other information through which communication is carried out, and which, at the User’s request, is provided by him in the registration form and/or when filling out his own profile in the online store, when completing a survey (by filling out a questionnaire or in another way), or information received at oral communication between the User and the Site administration, information provided when making a payment in the online store (including when purchasing goods and/or services offered in the online store. In particular: information regarding the User’s passport data, identification code, etc.).

This list of personal data is not permanent and mandatory for all Users, but depends on the needs and wishes of the User himself and on the operations he/she performs in the online store.

Data also means other information obtained by the Online Store on legal grounds from third parties and/or available from the User’s profiles in social networks – in the case of registration in the Online Store using social network authentication services. In this case, the User gives his consent to the processing of information available from the relevant accounts (profiles) in social networks.

2.2. Users are responsible for all information they post to public accounts. The user must understand all the risks associated with the fact that he publishes the address or information about the exact place of his location. If the User decides to log in to the Online Platform using a third-party authentication service, such as Facebook information, the Company may receive an additional profile or other information accessed by such a third party.

3. Purpose, limits, grounds and terms of personal data processing.

3.1. The purpose of personal data processing is:

– ensuring the implementation of civil and legal relations, economic and tax relations, the implementation of the functions, powers and duties assigned to the Enterprise in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine;

– identification of the client as a User of the Internet store, for communication with the User, including for the provision of services, payment processing, shipping, settlement operations, reporting, accounting and management accounting, creation and implementation of bonus programs, loyalty programs, sending mailings by mail, e-mail, by phone number, including for the purpose of sending commercial offers, notifications about promotions and news of the Internet store, and/or to provide Users of the Internet store with financial services (provided by third parties and/or partners of the Enterprise), with the aim of improving the quality of goods/providing services, forming ratings of goods and offers of the Internet store, analyzing the activity of Users, conducting searches by keywords, managing traffic in the Internet store, analyzing and forecasting the preferences and interests of Users in order to form the most relevant and profitable personal offers or promotional offers; conducting research and analytical activities, sending informational and marketing newsletters (news, company promotions, information about promotions, promotional codes and discounts, personal recommendations, personal discounts and offers), which contain information about goods and/or services, advertising and commercial offers regarding such goods and/or services, etc.;

– for the purpose of sending newsletters, commercial offers, notices about promotions, loyalty programs, bonus programs and/or for the purpose of sending messages regarding the functioning of the Internet store by mail, e-mail, or by phone number. The User may at any time refuse to receive informational and marketing mailings by notifying the Company;

– in order to fulfill other obligations imposed by law on the Owner of personal data, to protect the legal interests of the Owner of personal data or a third party to whom personal data is transferred.

3.2. The basis for processing the personal data of Users of the Online Platform is the User’s consent to the processing of his personal data, which is expressed in the use of the Online Platform.

3.3. The company does not process data related to race, nationality, political views, religious and other beliefs, membership in public organizations. Information that characterizes the physiological characteristics of Users, on the basis of which it is possible to establish their identity, is also not processed.

3.4. The processing of the User’s personal data is carried out without a time limit, in any legal way, including in personal data information systems with the use of automation tools or without the use of such tools. Data processing and storage terms are determined based on the purposes of Data processing, as well as based on the conditions specified in the contracts concluded with Users in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine. Personal data is processed and stored for as long as it is necessary to achieve the purpose of processing defined in clause 3.1. of this Policy.

At the same time, the User has the right to submit a request to stop the processing and storage of his own personal data or to delete his own data from the User’s personal account. The deletion of the User’s account or the receipt of a corresponding application to stop the processing and storage of the User’s personal data is a reason for the immediate termination of the processing and storage of such Data by the Owner of personal data and their subsequent deletion.

3.5. Users can at any time change/delete personal information or refuse to receive messages, or withdraw consent to Data processing. This can be done by sending a message to the email address: with a note in the subject of the letter “Personal data”.

3.6. In case of inactivity in the User’s account for a period exceeding 5 (five) years, the Company reserves the right to delete the User’s account, including all personal data stored in the account, which means that the User will no longer be able to access it and use it. The procedure for deleting the User’s personal data from the Company’s internal databases is regulated by the Company’s internal policies.

If there are any questions regarding the grounds, conditions, procedures for changing or deleting personal data of Users, please contact the official inbox of the On-line platform with a note in the subject line of the letter “Personal data”.

4. Location of personal data.

4.1. Personal data of Users of the Online Platform are processed and protected on the Company’s secure servers.

5. Terms of disclosure of personal data to third parties.

5.1. The Company may exchange Data with affiliates of the Company (companies operating on the basis of joint ownership), who may process and use the Data for the purpose specified in this Policy.

5.2. Disclosure of Data occurs when the User orders goods/services in the online store, services in the amount necessary for identification of the User, execution and processing of the User’s order (including for the purpose of properly making payments for goods/services, ensuring that the User receives financial services, etc.) .

5.3. The company may engage third-party suppliers of goods/services to fulfill the order, in such cases such third-party suppliers of goods/services are not authorized to use the personal data received through the online platform, other than to fulfill the Order.

5.4. The Company may transfer certain depersonalized information, as well as authorize the collection of such depersonalized information directly on the Internet site using appropriate technologies (data that do not allow identifying Users individually) to third-party service providers, trusted partners or authorized researchers for the purpose of conducting market research, improving the effectiveness of advertising offers and campaigns (by offering more relevant online store offers), analytical activities, better understanding of which advertising, goods and/or services may interest Users, improving the overall quality and efficiency of goods/services on the Online Platform, etc.

5.5. The Company processes Data on a legal and fair basis: the data are not disclosed to third parties and are not distributed without the consent of the User, except for the cases stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine and only in the interests of national security, economic well-being and human rights, in particular, but not exclusively:

– upon justified requests of state authorities, which have the right to demand and receive such Data;

– for the purpose of combating fraud and abuse on the online platform.

5.6. In cases of transfer of personal data provided for in section 5 of this Policy, informing the User about the transfer of his personal data remains at the discretion of the Company.

6. Protection of personal data.

6.1. The owner of personal data is equipped with system and software and communication tools that prevent loss, theft, unauthorized destruction, distortion, forgery, copying of information and meet the requirements of international and national standards.

6.2. Employees/authorized persons who directly process and/or have access to personal data in connection with the performance of their official (labor) duties are obliged to comply with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine in the field of protection of personal data and internal documents, regarding the processing and protection of personal data.

6.3. Employees/authorized persons who have access to personal data, including those who carry out their processing, are obliged not to allow disclosure in any way of personal data entrusted to them or which became known in connection with the performance of professional or official duties or labor duties. Such an obligation is effective after they cease activities related to personal data, except for cases established by law.

6.4. Personal data should not be stored longer than necessary for the purpose for which such data is stored, but in any case not longer than the data storage period determined by this Policy with the consent of the User.

7. Rights of the User (subject of personal data).

7.1. The subject of personal data (User) has the right to:

– to know about the location of personal data, which contains his personal data, its purpose and name, location and / or place of residence (residence) of the owner or manager or to give an appropriate mandate to obtain this information to persons authorized by him, except for cases established by law;

– to receive information about the conditions of providing access to personal data, in particular information about third parties to whom his personal data is transferred;

– to access your personal data;

– to receive no later than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except in cases provided by law, an answer on whether his personal data is stored, as well as to receive the content of his personal data that is stored;

– submit a reasoned demand with an objection to the processing of your personal data by state authorities, local self-government bodies in the exercise of their powers provided for by law;

– to protect your personal data from illegal processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to intentional concealment, failure to provide or untimely provision of data, as well as protection from providing information that is unreliable or disgraces the honor, dignity and business reputation of a natural person ;

– to apply for the protection of one’s rights regarding personal data to state authorities, local self-government bodies, whose powers include the protection of personal data;

– apply legal remedies in case of violation of the legislation on the protection of personal data;

– the right to submit an application regarding the termination of the processing of own personal data by the Enterprise with a request to destroy the specified data by the Enterprise.

8. Procedure for handling requests of the subject of personal data (User).

8.1. The subject of personal data (the User) has the right to receive any information about himself from any subject of relations related to personal data, without specifying the purpose of the request, except for cases established by law.

8.2. The access of the subject of personal data (User) to personal data is free of charge.

8.3. The subject of personal data (User) submits a request for access (hereinafter – request) to personal data to the Owner of personal data.

The request states:

– surname, first name and patronymic, place of residence (place of stay) and details of the document certifying the identity of the subject of personal data (the User);

– other information that makes it possible to identify the person of the subject of personal data (the User);

– information about the personal data for which the request is submitted, or information about the owner or administrator;
list of requested personal data.

8.4. The term of examining the request for its satisfaction cannot exceed ten working days from the date of its receipt.

8.5. During this period, the Owner of personal data shall notify the subject of personal data (the User) that the request will be satisfied or that the relevant personal data shall not be provided, indicating the grounds specified in the relevant legal act.

8.6. The request is satisfied within thirty calendar days from the date of its receipt, unless otherwise provided by law.

9. Deleting the User’s personal data.

9.1. The User’s personal data can be deleted at the User’s request by performing the following actions:
– submission of a written request with a request to stop processing personal data to the e-mail with a note in the subject of the letter “Personal data”.

9.2. Personal data of Users are deleted or destroyed in accordance with the procedure established in accordance with the requirements of the Law.

Apart from the cases provided for in clause 9.1. The User’s personal data is also subject to deletion in the event of:

– issuance of a corresponding prescription by the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights (hereinafter – the Commissioner) or the officials of the Secretariat of the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights designated by him;

– entry into legal force of a court decision regarding the deletion or destruction of personal data.

9.3. Users can withdraw their consent to the processing of Personal Data at any time. This can be done by sending a request to the e-mail address: with a note in the subject of the letter “Personal data”. In this case, the Company’s employees consider such a request to delete personal data and delete the User’s personal data from the Company’s information systems.

9.4. The destruction of personal data of Users is carried out in a way that excludes the further possibility of updating such personal data, as well as the identification of the User.

10. Amendments to the Policy.

10.1. The Company may unilaterally update these Terms from time to time without notifying the User of such changes. The new version of the Policy enters into force from the moment of its posting on the online platform, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Policy.

10.2. If any changes were made to the Policy, with which the User does not agree, he is obliged to stop using the Internet store. The fact of continued use of the Internet store is confirmation of the User’s consent and acceptance of the relevant version of the Policy.

Date of the last edition: 18.10.2023

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